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Supporting A Better Lifestyle, Healthy Food Catering Is Ready To Reach More Cities

Wednesday, 05 Mar 2025

The healthy lifestyle trend is growing, with more and more people realizing the importance of nutritious intake in their daily lives. However, being busy often becomes a challenge in implementing a healthy diet consistently. 

Quoting the Sehatnegeriku page, eating should not only be filling, but also be able to meet nutritional needs and maintain body health. Following the guidelines of the Ministry of Health, one plate of food should be filled with balanced carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, and minerals. 

Seeing this need, EatHealthy, a healthy food catering service based on nutritional balance, continues to strive to expand its reach. After being successful in Balikpapan and Semarang, EatHealthy will open new branches in Samarinda in April 2025 and Surabaya in September 2025. 

"We want more people to be able to access healthy food without having to sacrifice time and energy," said Riza Sauqi Valasev, one of the founders of EatHealthy, through an official statement. 

This expansion step is a response to the increasing demand for practical and affordable healthy eating solutions. 

This catering service is known for its menus specially designed by a team of nutritionists to meet the various needs of customers. Some of the packages available include Fat Loss, Healthy Life, Personalized, and Muscle Gain, each formulated to support different health goals. 

Maintaining Flexibility 

In addition to a variety of customizable menus, EatHealthy offers flexibility in ordering—from daily to monthly packages—as well as delivery services with schedules that can be adjusted according to customer needs. By expanding to Samarinda and Surabaya, this healthy catering service hopes that more people will be able to enjoy healthy food more easily. 

This expansion is part of EatHealthy's long-term strategy to encourage healthy eating habits in Indonesia. 

Halal Certified 

Since October 2024, EatHealthy has also obtained a halal certificate from the Halal Product Guarantee Agency (Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Produk Halal) of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia. 

Eathealthy recognizes that the certificate is a manifestation of their commitment to providing the best for their customers. 


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