ANTARA FOTO/Indrianto Eko Suwarso/Spt.

President Says He Gave AHY A Tough Task, Including A "giant Sea Wall"

Friday, 28 Feb 2025

President Prabowo Subianto said he had given a tough task to the Coordinating Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY), one of which was to build a giant sea wall on the north coast of Java Island. "I have given Mr. AHY a tough task in the infrastructure sector, one of the most important infrastructures is the giant sea wall. The giant sea wall will save the north coast of Java," the President told AHY at the closing ceremony of the 6th Democratic Party Congress in Jakarta, Tuesday (25/2) evening. The President then mentioned several locations for the construction of the giant sea wall, including the north coast at the tip of Java Island, precisely in Banten, up to Gresik, East Java. 

"We have to build hundreds of kilometers. Can we do it?" said Prabowo. 

The Democratic cadres participating in the Congress then shouted: "We can!" 

"We can!" continued the President. 

The President said he did not know how long it would take to complete the construction of the giant sea wall. "God willing, with determination, we will achieve it, and this is one of the heavy tasks on the shoulders of the Coordinating Minister for Infrastructure. But we will decide, we will start with our own strength. Don't hesitate! It's not potential anymore, we clearly have the money ready. We will start as soon as possible!" said the President. 

President Prabowo plans to build a giant sea wall on the north coast of Java Island along 700 kilometers from Banten to East Java. The President, on several occasions, acknowledged that the construction of the sea wall is not a short-term project, but a long-term project that will take decades. 

Prabowo, when he was Minister of Defense, once spoke about the problem of the giant sea wall. He once reminded state officials not to let the construction of the giant sea wall get caught up in the 5-year political turmoil. 

If we look at the experience of European countries, the construction of the giant sea wall can be completed in up to 40 years. Therefore, President Prabowo, in the early period of his leadership, asked his ministers to study the construction of a giant sea wall from Jakarta to Cirebon as a National Strategic Program (PSN) for 2025. 

On a separate occasion, Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto said that the construction of the giant sea wall was included in the PSN for 2025. Later, Airlangga explained that the giant sea wall from Jakarta to Cirebon would be connected to the flood and tidal control embankment in Tambaklorok, Semarang, Central Java, which had already been built. President Prabowo, Airlangga continued, has also given direction to his ministers to prepare a financing scheme for Government and Business Entity Cooperation (KPBU) for the construction of the giant sea wall from Jakarta to Cirebon. 


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