Foto: Telkomsel

Strengthening Internet Quality, Telkomsel Interested In Participating In 1.4 GHz Frequency Auction

Friday, 28 Feb 2025

The Ministry of Communication and Digital (Komdigi) plans to auction the 1.4 GHz frequency in the first semester of 2025. Telkomsel has also expressed its interest in hunting for 80 MHz bandwidth in the frequency spectrum. 

VP of Corporate Communications & Social Responsibility Telkomsel, Saki Hamsat Bramono, said that Telkomsel is in principle interested in participating in the selection of 1.4 GHz frequency band users, and will respect and follow the rules that will be set by Komdigi in the series of processes. 

"We view the additional frequency allocation as an important opportunity for Telkomsel in developing and implementing the latest broadband network technology that is relevant to the needs of the community, so that it can strengthen digital telecommunications services throughout Indonesia," Saki told detikINET, Tuesday (25/2/2025). 

Saki said that Telkomsel hopes that the entire series of selection processes can take place according to the right stages and schedule in order to encourage the strengthening of the telecommunications industry. 

"As well as accelerating the transformation and growth of the national digital economy according to the targets set by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia," he said. 

For information, the selection of the 1.4 GHz frequency band will later be used specifically to serve the internet at home, and can also support the education and health sectors. 

Based on the contents of the RPM consultation on the Use of Radio Frequency Spectrum in the 1.4 GHz Frequency Band that will be auctioned, it has a bandwidth of 80 MHz which is in the frequency range of 1,427-1,518 MHz. 

Komdigi will later provide the use of this spectrum in the form of a Radio Frequency Band Permit (IPFR) to local fixed network providers based on packet switched (jartaplok) with service areas based on regions. 

The coverage of the 1.4 GHz frequency band is divided into three regions spread across 14 zones stretching from Sumatra, Java, Bali-Nusra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku, to Papua. 

Based on the latest information, Komdigi claims that there are already seven telecommunications companies interested in participating in the 1.4 GHz frequency auction. 


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