Foto: BLDF

Students Invited To Campaign For Environmentally-Friendly Lifestyle

Monday, 24 Feb 2025

Bakti Budaya Djarum Foundation (BLDF) held a Digital Literacy Campus activity at the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) on Tuesday (2/18/2024). The activity was carried out to encourage the involvement of young people, especially students, in campaigning for an environmentally friendly lifestyle. 

Djarum Foundation Communications Director Mutiara Diah Asmara said that the younger generation has a very big role in the environmental care campaign. Therefore, BLDF has involved the participation of the younger generation in carrying out environmental care actions since the last five years. 

"Five years ago, we launched the digital-based movement Siap Darling or Siap Sadar Lingkungan, as a forum for students to carry out environmental care and actions that are sustainable," he said while providing material to hundreds of students at the FEM IPB Auditorium, Bogor. 

According to him, the movement was carried out to encourage the younger generation to be directly involved in caring actions and implementing an environmentally friendly lifestyle. Therefore, BLDF is carrying out the Digital Literacy Campus activity at IPB to invite students at IPB to be involved in environmental care actions. 

"We hope that IPB academics can create positive content about the environment and apply it in everyday life," said Mutiara. 

She explained that currently there are more than 10 thousand students from 250 campuses in 170 cities who have joined the Darling Squad - the name for those who are members of the Siap Darling movement. In the last five years, the students have been involved in planting more than 120 thousand flowering shrubs in 10 historical sites and 12 temples, in the Java and Sumatra regions. 

However, Mutiara stated that the movement carried out by the Darling Squad is not yet finished. This is because sustainability is needed to build Indonesia to be better for future generations. 

IPB Vice Chancellor for Education and Student Affairs Deni Noviana said that she appreciated the activities held by BLDF. According to her, the activity will motivate students at IPB to care more about the environment. In addition, students are also expected to be more active in voicing environmental issues through social media. 

"This event is very good for increasing students' environmental awareness. Not only for the IPB environment, but with social media, concern can be voiced at the international level," he said. 

Musician and environmental activist Gede Robi Supriyanto or Robi Navicula, said that students have an important role in inviting the public to be more environmentally aware. He assessed that various actions can be developed by students in various ways, one of which is following their passion or interests. "The point is how what we do can be beneficial for those around us, especially the environment. Do what you love and do what you care. For example, I like music and I care about the environment. Therefore, I bring an invitation to care for the environment through the music that I create. We don't stop at our passion, but (continue) to things that we care about too," said Robi. 


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