WhatsApp is currently developing a new feature that aims to bring Meta AI closer to users by introducing a widget for the home screen of Android devices.
This widget will facilitate users who have access to Meta AI to interact directly with the technology, although it will initially be available only as an option for select users in certain countries.
The widget serves two primary functions: users can tap the left side to pose questions or tap the right side to select photos that can be shared directly with Meta AI.
Subsequently, users can request Meta AI to edit photos, provide explanations of their content, or answer various other inquiries.
According to Gsmarena.com, on Tuesday, January 14, 2025, WhatsApp is also preparing a new tab for AI chats that will be added to the bottom navigation bar of the application.
These features are still in the testing phase, and it remains unclear when they will be widely available; however, it is anticipated that more users will gain access in the coming weeks or months.